Bento & FMG Partnership

FMG is a leading advisor marketing platform … that is now housing a new “Bento Collection”. FMG users can now access a sub-set of our materials right on the FMG platform, and that way even better engage and advise their clients (and prospects!) during “Moments That Matter”.

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What is Bento Engine?

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Bento is an award-winning technology and content company that helps client-centric financial advisors to serve all of their clients and prospects with timely, personal and impactful advice during “Moments That Matter” on their life journeys. Because when you lead with advice, everybody wins.

What are "Moments That Matter"?

Life is full of “Moments That Matter”, which provide client-centric advisors dozens of opportunities to engage and serve their clients. So Bento packaged all those moments into 3 distinct advisory programs:

life in #s

Life In Numbers

Focuses on 15 distinct age-based milestones that trigger distinct wealth management risks or opportunities (think e.g., turning 70.5 and being able to utilize QCDs, or the kids turning 14 and being able to open Custodial IRAs with their first earned income)

life events

Life Events

Which – you guessed it – focuses on dozens of life events that provide golden opportunities to lead with advice and capture money in motion (think e.g., Getting Married, Having a Child, Buying a Home or Moving to a New State)

Children and wealth

Children & Wealth

Which allows financial advisors to connect with and support the Next Gen of the client family on their financial literacy journey

Bento provides multiple content programs, including:

  1. Life in Numbers, which focuses on 15 distinct age-based milestones that trigger distinct wealth management risks or opportunities (think e.g., turning 70.5 and being able to utilize QCDs, or the kids turning 14 and being able to open Custodial IRAs with their first earned income)
  2. Life Events, which – you guessed it – focuses on dozens of life events that provide golden opportunities to lead with advice and capture money in motion (think e.g., Getting Married, Having a Child, Buying a Home or Moving to a New State)
  3. Children & Wealth, which allows financial advisors to connect with and support the Next Gen of the client family on their financial literacy journey

Learn more about our solutions here.

Recent Awards

Where can FMG users find the Bento Collection?

FMG users can find the Bento Collection right on the Homepage of their FMG system after logging in. Simply scroll down and scan the “Collections” section.

What is included in the Bento Collection?

The Bento Collection contains two format types (emails and downloadables) on a sub-set of our materials, including:

3 Age-Based Milestones:

  • 18 — Age of Majority: A watershed moment, where you want to make sure to advise e.g., on Healthcare and Financial POAs
  • 50 — Catch-up Contributions: As appropriate, make sure your clients avail themselves of this opportunity to increase their tax-advantaged savings and investing rate
  • 62 — Earliest Social Security: The earliest, albeit not always best, age to start collecting hard-earned Social Security benefits

3 Key Life Events:

  • Getting Married: So exciting … and so many bases to cover, including financial planning, (joint) banking and investing accounts, estate planning, insurance, taxes, and more
  • Birth of a Child: Yes, education funding is a big one, but also consider insurance, beneficiary designations, estate planning and more
  • Moving to a New State: Let’s make sure both your former and new state agree with your intended tax domicile

How can advisors best use the materials in the Bento Collection?

Advice is best delivered in timely, personal and impactful ways. Whenever you can, be proactive in the advice you are rendering.
For example, you want to start strategizing with your client on their Social Security Benefits 18 months before they turn 62. This is to ensure that the client has ample time to reflect and secure alternative cash-flow sources as needed, and to make sure that you “own” that important topic.
To be personal and impactful, make sure you pick the right mode of communication on a client-specific basis. Use the PDF Downloadables with visual learners, the emails with the on-the-go crowd, and give your audio learners a call — that way everyone will hear you!
Couple more suggestions for FMG-users:
  1. Think about running campaigns across all your clients and prospects! For example, advise everyone in your book how will turn or recently turned 50 on making Catch-up Contributions in their retirement accounts.
  2. To learn more about the full Bento solution, including the CRM tech-integrations and our complete content library, schedule a meeting below.

How does the full Bento Engine Solution work?

The full Bento solution contains many more format types (e.g., Talking Points, IUO Advisor FAQs) on many more “Moments That Matter”. It also includes a tech integration into your CRM, where our Advice Engine constantly scans your entire book of business to identify upcoming advice opportunities. When we find one, we alert you via a Task/Activity in your CRM, and equip you with all the materials you need to shine right in your CRM.


To learn more, watch this short video:

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What CRMs does Bento integrate with?


Ready to learn more?

1. Life in #s


There are 15 age milestones, 15 regulatory birthdates that trigger distinct wealth management risks or opportunities

Although they are highly predictable and consequential advice opportunities, not all clients and prospects are getting proactive, impactful advice on these Moments That Matter

15 age milestones

2. Life Events


There are dozens of Life Events that not always, but often happen in the lives of your clients and prospects

Dozens of high-impact opportunities to Lead with Advice

Dozens of live events

3. Children & Wealth


Many parents know that Financial Literacy matters, they want to introduce their offspring to the important concepts of money and wealth, but don’t always know when and how.

A big client need / major advice opportunity

4. Life in #s - Direct to Client Version


In case you have large prospect books or cover large pools of Retirement Plan Participants, you may want to send them age-based advice in an automated way.

Highly efficient, scalable advice for large pools of recipients.

5. Your Journey


You have a website. You have traffic on that website. You have a Contact Me form … and yet, if you are like most other advisors, you only convert a very small percentage of website visitors into booked meetings.

Sample Content

Sample Materials

Age 50 – Catch-up Contributions (to note, only 10-15% of eligible investors currently avail themselves of this tax-advantaged investing opportunity)


For visual learners

Talking Points

For audio learners


For the on-the-go folks

Advisor FAQs


A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made.
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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit.

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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit.