Bento for Enterprises

Unlock unparalleled revenue growth and client-centric success with Bento Engine. Our CRM-integrated solutions empower advisors in large enterprises, including RIAs, IBDs, Banks, CUSOs, IMOs, Insurers, and Private Banks, to engage clients during “Moments That Matter.” Leading with proactive advice through Bento Engine ensures deeper client relationships and faster prospect conversions.  


Everybody wins when advisors lead with advice:

  • Clients enjoy better experiences and outcomes
  • Firms can drive their organic growth via increased loyalty, referral rates and share of wallet

Bento understands and addresses the needs of different Enterprise stakeholders, including:

CEOs / COOs / CFOs

  • Makes human advisors more efficient and effective
  • Drives organic growth
  • Systematizes the way you do business

Sales / Financial Planners

  • Deepens existing relationships
  • Converts more prospects faster
  • Connects with the Next Gen
  • Sells the entire solutions platform

Technology Teams

  • Increases valuable advisor time spent in the CRM
  • Is easy to install and maintain
  • MIS

Compliance Teams

  • Provides professionally written content in well-controlled ways
  • Keeps the content current whenever laws & regulations change
  • Documents the delivery of advice, how you earn your fees

Marketing Teams

  • Makes your value proposition and client experience more uniform across the organization by ensuring a ‘Minimum Standard of Care’
  • Converts more website visitors into booked meetings

Training Teams

  • Provides in-the-moments and on-the-job training on important wealth planning topics to all of your staff
  • Complements your L&D programs with on-the-job training, valuable in particular for junior and more transaction-oriented advisors

How Bento Works

Via APIs, Bento is embedded in your CRM. No new login, no new app on the workstation, no new system to learn. In your CRM, Bento constantly analyzes your client and prospect data to identify upcoming advice opportunities. When it finds one, it alerts the advisor via a Task/Activity in their CRM, and presents to them the pre approved materials to execute with. This way, Bento makes your CRM work even harder for your advisors and your clients.

How Bento Works

What Bento Does

Bento puts your advisors in a position to lead with timely, personal and impactful advice during key Life Events and ahead of Age Based Milestones. Across their entire book of business, including their prospects. Bento is not only a “Next Best Action” system that alerts your advisors of upcoming advice opportunities, it also covers the next step by providing them with purpose-built, compliance pre approved materials to execute with. And these materials always come in multiple formats, so that advisors can pick the best mode of communication on a client specific basis. Think PPT for visual learners, Talking Points for audio learners and emails for the on-the-go crowd. Alerts + Content = Client Engagement.


Bento’s innovative solutions are in line with several major industry trends, and we keep on being recognized, including:



Bento Engine is SOC 2 certified thanks to our deep commitment to cybersecurity. 

You can rest easy knowing your data is being handled in a safe and compliant way.

Contact Bento Engine today to learn more!

Contact Us

Our Enterprise Specialists would be happy to connect with you:

Thought Leadership

Want to dive even deeper? Read our thoughts on the importance of advice beyond investing, and the timing of impactful advice.

Clients value advice
Whitepaper: The Importance of Advice That Goes Beyond Investing
The timing of advice
Whitepaper: The Importance of Timing When Rendering Impactful Advice
Bento Engine Moments That Matter
Clients value advice

Whitepaper: The Importance of Advice That Goes Beyond Investing

The timing of advice

Whitepaper: The Importance of Timing When Redering Impacful Advice